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July 15, 2024
Is probate mandatory in California?

How Can You Avoid Probate on Bank Accounts in California?

Anytime a loved one passes away, the surviving family members are likely struggling with the loss. Several questions will typically arise when trying to deal with the aftereffects. One of those questions may be how can you avoid probate on bank accounts in California? This is a critical question to ask, and it may affect several members of the decedent’s family. An Ontario, California, probate attorney can be helpful in sorting through the probate process […]
July 14, 2024
How long does probate take in San Diego?

How Much Money Triggers Probate in California?

If you are a California resident who has recently had a family member pass away, you may want to familiarize yourself with the probate court and the probate process. A good question to ask is, “How much money triggers probate in California?” This is an important information to know. If the decedent’s estate is under a certain value, it may not need to pass through the process, alleviating you of the stresses of probate. However, […]
July 13, 2024
What assets avoid probate in California?

What Assets Must Go Through Probate in California?

What assets must go through probate in California? This is an important question to ask if you have an estate and are planning for the future. It’s important to understand what could happen to your assets after you die. Deceased individuals leave behind several different types of assets, but not all of them will be subject to California probate. Speaking with an Ontario, California, probate attorney could be very helpful in gaining a complete understanding […]