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June 15, 2024
What assets avoid probate in California?

What Assets Avoid Probate in California?

The aftermath of a loved one’s death is seldom easy or simple. This is, unfortunately, especially true due to how soon after their death their estate enters into probate. Speaking with a California probate lawyer can clarify any uncertainties you have, such as what assets avoid probate in California and how to simplify the overall process by eliminating any unnecessary legal procedures. What Is Probate and Settling an Estate? A person’s estate is the sum […]
June 14, 2024
What court handles probate in California?

What Court Handles Probate in California?

If you’re wondering, “What court handles probate in California?” or “How long do you have before the probate process is finished?” you’re most likely in need of guidance from a California probate lawyer. Consulting with a knowledgeable probate professional will ensure all your questions are answered, and you are helped every step of the way, including representing your interests if matters are brought to court. How the Legal Process of Probate Works Probate is an […]
June 12, 2024
How Long Do You Have to Sue an Estate in California?

How Long Do You Have to Sue an Estate in California?

Whether you’re preparing ahead of time for your loved one’s estate going into probate or it already has recently, and you have a concern, you’ve likely wondered, “How long do you have to sue an estate in California?” Speaking with a skilled probate lawyer is the ideal way to find the answers to any questions you have and receive honest advice from an educated and trained legal professional. Estates and Beginning the Probate Process An […]